Dubai Investment Fund (DIF) Announces the Creation of ESG Investment Department

Dubai Investment Fund (DIF) Announces the Creation of ESG Investment Department

Dubai Investment Fund (DIF), one of world's largest global independent investment funds and asset manager, that effectively manages financial resources through diversification into new asset classes, today announced the creation of ESG Investment Department.

"Investing in areas, that will bring not only profits, but also long-term benefits for the whole community is one of our main principles. Today we are taking it one step further, announcing the creation of a new department, specifically dedicated to the ESG Investment. The term ESG gained popularity during the last two years, and now represents one of the major trends in the financial and corporate world.", - said Eustace Osborn, the Head of the new ESG Investment department and added: "ESG is usually understood as "ethical investing strategy." The core values, denoted in this abbreviation, are Environment, Sustainability, and Governance. In fact, this means that profit is not the most important metric anymore.

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