• Today, the United Arab Emirates is recognized as one of the most appealing countries to many investors, expats, and foreigners from across the globe. Not only does it offer great business opportunities but it also boasts a well-developed infrastructure, affordable prices, and a high standard of living. What’s more, it’s a fact, that 85%-90% of the...

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  • When you buy a property overseas you may have some questions. For instance, how does one get a certificate of property ownership in the UAE? How can you register your property in the UAE according to the local legislation? How is the property transaction information added to the UAE real estate register? What is the procedure for registering real...

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  • There are more than 800 registered property developers in the UAE, who have formed the UAE’s unique urban identity. Not all of them are market giants, but they move the industry forward. We will tell you more about them and their activities in this article. Content: How to choose a developer in the UAE Top 10 construction companies in the...

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